Fox trap with rear Bait Door 45cm x 45cm x 90cm with Hook and Rear Bait Door


Fox Trap 45c45cm x 90cm with Hook Release and a rear bait door.

SKU: 75A Category: Tag:


Our Fox Trap with Rear Bait Door is a great tool for around the farm house, or semi rural property, where baiting isn’t an option. The Traps are made from Galvanised materials and we still see traps that Sheffield Wire made 20 years ago. The outside Mesh has a 50x50mm aperture using 3mm wire. The frame’s and trip mechanism are made using 6mm wire and are made in Australia for Australian conditions. There is great debate over a trip plate trigger V’s Hook mechanism trap. It comes down to your personal preference. You can download a fox trapping brochure for tips on a successful project by clicking on the fox image below.

(fox trapping instructions)

The Rear Bait Door allows for easy bait delivery, without putting the operators scent into the trap. This increases the chances of a successful catch as foxes will often shy away if they smell human interference near the opening of the trap.

Dimensions are:

45cm x 45cm x 90cm Long

Additional information

Weight 80 kg
Dimensions 120 × 70 × 70 cm